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Industry information-Singapore's $13 million new medical 3D printing research center

TIME:2019-03-30 07:04:42   click: times
Recently, Singapore held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new 3D printing center focused on healthcare research. The new center, named the National University of Singapore's Additive Manufacturing Center, received funding of S$18 million from NUS, Singapore's National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Cluster and the Singapore Economic Development Board.
According to reports, the establishment of AM.NUS aims to promote the development of 3D printing technology in the field of biomedicine and healthcare, and to enhance the position of NUS in the field of biomedical additive manufacturing. The new center will work closely with the National University of Singapore's School of Medicine, School of Engineering, School of Science, School of Dentistry, School of Design and Environment to help realize Singapore's vision of becoming a leading AM center, as well as enhancing its technological capabilities and promoting intellectual property. Development and commercialization of AM biomedical technology.
The new AM Center will focus its research on specific areas, including the development of custom 3D printed surgical instruments, simulators and functional prostheses; 3D printed custom drugs; tissue repair with 3D printed stents and tissue engineering; and ceramic and metal 3D Print development of restorative implants; collaborate with the National University School of Dentistry to develop oral health and craniofacial applications.
“We focus on the biomedical field and the ultimate goal is to introduce new and innovative products to the market to improve patient outcomes and healthcare services,” said AM.NUS.
The new center is mainly composed of two laboratories located at national universities. Both laboratories are equipped with state-of-the-art 3D printing technology, including powder, plastic and liquid based 3D printers, 3D scanners, CAD image processing and design software, and extensive testing and qualification facilities.
As part of the mission, AM.NUS will offer a series of 3D printing courses for graduate students to provide a hands-on AM experience. These courses will help students master advanced 3D printing knowledge to increase their manufacturing productivity across multiple industries.
In addition, AM.NUS will work with multiple industry partners to “develop and transform AM technologies for biomedical applications”.
At the tailoring ceremony, AM.NUS signed a memorandum of understanding with four companies: Creatz3D, a local SME dedicated to next-generation medical training and simulation programs; Dou Yee Enterprises, a manufacturing company with a presence throughout Asia. Seeking to manufacture precision parts using 3D printing through AM.NUS; Forefront Additive Manufacturing, a precision engineering company looking to enter the healthcare market; Osteopore International, a local small and medium-sized company, to develop and test with AM.NUS 3D printed bio-stent for orthopedic purposes.
Now, AM.NUS is preparing to launch a total of 17 cooperation projects, and has raised nearly 4.7 million Singapore dollars for these projects.
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