商业轮转印刷机 平张印刷机 胶装龙 精装龙 骑订龙 折页机 锁线机 切纸机 设备零件 其它
马天尼Prima 390
  • 骑订龙_胶装龙_锁线机_技术参数 性能特点
  • 骑订龙_胶装龙_锁线机_技术参数 技术参数
  • 骑订龙_胶装龙_锁线机_技术参数 配置清单
6 x automatic feeders type MM 370
Cover feeder type MM 1529
Muller Martini Prima Plus stitching unit type MM 390 with 4 stitching heads
Three knife trimmer type MM 449 with double production device
Compesating stacker Muller Martini model PRATICO
Air compressors
6 x automatic feeders type MM 370
Cover feeder type MM 1529
Muller Martini Prima Plus stitching unit type MM 390 with 4 stitching heads
Three knife trimmer type MM 449 with double production device
Compesating stacker Muller Martini model PRATICO
Air compressors